How Do You Relate to God?

Some people think that they have all the control over their lives and that they can achieve anything that they want because of their intelligence, strength, abilities, and talents. Those people forget that they were blessed with each one of the gifts that they rely on. Any of the talents or strengths that we think we have, we have actually been blessed with (James 1:17), and for only a limited time of life on this earth (James 4:14).

Others think that if they behave a certain way God is obligated to give them what they need or want. It is almost like they think that God is a boss, and they work for Him, expecting a salary at the end of the month (Acts 17:24-25). The problem is that God is God, not a boss that needs to hire people to do His job for Him. We cannot manipulate God into giving us something by doing what we think He wants us to do.

We need to relate to God, and worship Him! He is to be nothing else for us, not someone we work for, or try to manipulate to get what we want. We are to be thankful for all the blessings, and because of that, it is out of gratitude that we are motivated to change our behavior and do things as an expression of our worship and praise to His name (Psalm 103:1-5). It does not matter what you do, God will never owe you anything. He owns you! We don’t try to behave to get something from God. We try to change our behavior in thankfulness for His love.

Isaiah 42:5-8
Psalm 50:10-15
Psalm 51:16-17
Psalm 29:1-2